Category: Guest Post

Guest Post: Should You Work with Multiple Recruiters?

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week with things to think about if you are thinking about working with multiple recruiters as part of your job search.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also […]

Guest Post: Watch Your Online Presence When Job-Hunting

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week with tips on watching your online presence when you are job-hunting.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also follow him on Twitter at jsquaredkc Watch Your Online Presence […]

Guest Post: The Jimmy Resume

Jeremy Johnson has a follow-up guest blog post this week with great tips on why a third-person resume is not a good idea.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also follow him on Twitter at jsquaredkc The Jimmy […]

Guest Post: Structuring Your Cover Letter

Jeremy Johnson has a follow-up guest blog post this week with great tips on how you can structure your cover letter.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also follow him on Twitter at jsquaredkc Structuring Your Cover Letter […]

Guest Post: Customize Your Cover Letters

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week with great tips on why you should customize your cover letter and how you can do it.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also follow him on […]

Guest Post: Positioning Your Experience Better with Miller Lite

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week on how you can position your job experience like Miller Lite did for so many years with their advertising slogan. Hmmm…interesting concept. Read on for more.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering […]

Guest Post: The Job Hunt – Don’t Forget About Your Competition

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week on why you should not forget about those who are competing against you for jobs you apply for. Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  You can also follow him […]

Guest Post: The Job Hunter’s Lament

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week on job hunter’s lament that can easily affect job seekers. Worth reading if you are stuck in a rut.  Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  There are two jobs […]

Guest Post: Let Google Help You Toward a Better Job Search

Jeremy Johnson has a new guest blog post this week on how Google can help you toward a better job search. Jeremy is a recruiter in Kansas City for EHD Technologies, a recruiting, staffing and managed services company serving the IT, Engineering and Automotive industries.  There are two jobs with EHD Technology clients just posted recently on […]