Category: Networking Events

Job Search/Networking Events week of December 6

To help provide as much information as possible for job seekers in the Kansas City area, we will attempt to list networking events, career fairs, classes, job search workshops, etc. on this blog. Below are the events/meetings for the week of December 6. As always, if you know about other career fairs, meetingss or events […]

Job Search/Networking Events week of November 29

To help provide as much information as possible for job seekers in the Kansas City area, we will attempt to list networking events, career fairs, classes, job search workshops, etc. on this blog. Below are the events/meetings for the week of November 29. As always, if you know about other career fairs, meetingss or events […]

Thank Our Military Veterans

With today being Veterans’ Day, I want to encourage you to think about all of our veterans, employed or unemployed, and take time to thank them. They gave up so much in sacrifice so each of us can have the freedoms we have today. As a military veteran myself, it has always been a honor […]

Job Show Radio Broadcasts from Nov. 2 and 9

Instead of making everyone wade through the last few weekly posts listing the networking events, job search workshops, etc. in the Kansas City area, I thought I would just make this a separate post and give you the podcast links to the past two The Job Radio Show broadcasts. November 2 Job Radio Show broadcast […]