Using LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook for Your Job Search – New Landings Presentations

Mark Van Baale gave two presentations to the New Landings group on October 20 and October 27 covering a few social media tools and how they could be used as part of the “toolkit” for a job seeker. Doug Richards presented with Mark on October 20, but Mark only has the portion of the presentation he gave covering the Basics of LinkedIn.

Below are embedded videos of each presentation and the accompanying Slideshare information.  The videos were resized and uploaded so they would fit the Vimeo upload standards, so there is some quality lost in the videos, but you can still follow along to learn what is shared.

LinkedIn for the Job Seeker – The Basics Presentation on October 20:


LinkedIn for the Job Seeker – The Basics Slideshare Notes:

[slideshare id=5660292&doc=linkedinforthejobseekerbasicsfinal-ppt-101103174931-phpapp02&w=400]

Using Twitter and Facebook in Your Job Search Presentation on October 27:


Using Twitter and Facebook in Your Job Search Slideshare Notes:

[slideshare id=5660539&doc=twitterandfbforthejobseekerfinal-ppt-101103181851-phpapp01&w=400]

Please let me (Mark) know if you learned any useful information from these presentations to help as you do your job search. Thanks!