Tag: #kcjobseekers

Kansas City Job Search/Networking Events for Week of October 17

It is my hope that the information provided on this blog will help you to find a new job or make connections with people at the various networking events. Remember, there is also a Job Leads page where new jobs are posted every day or every other day. Below are the events/meetings for the week of Ohttps://jobseekersview.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1533&action=editctober […]

One Year Anniversary of KC Job Seekers Blog

It is hard to believe that this blog has been up and running for one year today. When I started it back on October 13, 2010, my goal was to have a location where job seekers could go to find the latest networking events, job fairs, career workshops, etc. in the Kansas City area and […]