Below are the networking events for the week of December 26 in the Kansas City area. As always, if you know about other career fairs, meetings or events that would benefit job seekers, please send a note to Thank you.
It is my hope that the information provided on this blog will help you to find a new job or make connections with people at the various networking events. Remember, there is also a Job Leads page where new jobs are posted every day or every other day.
You can also follow @kcjobseekers or @markvanbaale to get the latest updates.
Any Day of the Week
Listen to New Landings Job Chat Podcasts brought to you each week by Hector Silva and the rest of the New Landings Job Chat Team. Recent podcasts added are “Building Rapport,” Developing Your Persuasion Skills, “How to Apply Your Communication Skills, “Job Loss: Rebuilding a Better You” “Job Loss: Dealing with Aftershocks,” Job Loss: The Immediate Inner Turmoil, and “Interview Questions Preparation.”
Monday, December 26
#JobHuntChat on Twitter
Time: 9:00pm CST
Job Hunt Chat is a community where job seekers, recruiters, human resource professionals, career coaches, and hiring managers can connect. Discussion/questions shared on using the hashtag #JobHuntChat.
Here is how you can participate in this chat:
1. Search for hashtag #JobHuntChat on Twitter when the chat starts at 9pm CST.
2. Introduce yourself when the chat begins.
3. Read, ask questions, comment, re-tweet. Participate!
Tuesday, December 27
Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. 26th annual national job-search call-in
Call in to get answers and advice on your job search questions.
Times: 9:00am – 5:00pm December 27 and 28
A staff of professional career counselors will answer calls placed to 312-422-5010 and offer free job advice.
As an outplacement firm, Challenger, Gray & Christmas provides jobsearch training and transition counseling to individuals who have been laid off. The firm’s services are typically available only to those who receive outplacement benefits from their former employer. The two-day call-in is the only time that anyone in the general public can take advantage of Challenger’s job-search expertise.
More Information about the Call-in
Applying for a Government Job Workshop presented by New Landings
New Landings HQ
11320 W. 79th St.
Lenexa, KS 66214
Google Map
Free to attend.
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Projecting to hire 193,000 new employees over the next two years, the U.S. government is a great place to look for your next career opportunity.
Many who have applied for a government job say, “Simply completing the application should win me some kind of award!” Some of the forms are lengthy, confusing and comprehensive. The intent of this workshop is to help simplify the process for you. You will learn tips and tricks for ensuring that your application is complete when filed and gets through the system as expeditiously as possible.
If available, bring your laptop as you will be accessing the government employment website.
Wednesday, December 28
Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. 26th annual national job-search call-in
Call in to get answers and advice on your job search questions.
Times: 9:00am – 5:00pm December 27 and 28
A staff of professional career counselors will answer calls placed to 312-422-5010 and offer free job advice.
As an outplacement firm, Challenger, Gray & Christmas provides jobsearch training and transition counseling to individuals who have been laid off. The firm’s services are typically available only to those who receive outplacement benefits from their former employer. The two-day call-in is the only time that anyone in the general public can take advantage of Challenger’s job-search expertise.
More Information about the Call-in
Expert to Entrepreneur: 13 Must-Have Brand Tools Webinar
Time: Noon – 1:00pm CST
Are you ready to start your own business and become a successful business-of-one?
In this FREE webinar CAREEREALISM-Approved Career Expert. Deborah Shane will answer:
- Are you the right person for the job?
- Is this what you really want to do?
- Do you have the right Entrepreneurial Profile?
- Is this a desperation tactic?
Can’t make the live event? That’s okay. Still register and you’ll receive instructions for accessing the recorded version of this event.
Friday, December 30
#HFChat (#HireFriday Chat) on Twitter
Topic: Revisiting the Art of Networking
Time: 11:00 am – Noon CST
Networking is one of the most successful job search techniques. Intellectually we know and understand this to be true, but emotionally it can be difficult because it involves actually finding and connecting with people instead of simply pushing a button on a web site. This week we are privileged to have an #HFChat guest host and expert on the subject of networking.
#HireFriday is the only stream on twitter that focuses solely on job seekers strengths, knowledge and abilities. Discussion/questions shared on using the hashtag #HFChat
Here is how you can participate in this chat:
1. Sign up for Twitter if you are not already on Twitter.
2. Search for hashtag #HFChat when the chat starts at 11am CST.
3. Introduce yourself when the chat begins.
4. Read, ask questions, comment, re-tweet. Participate!
More information on #HFChat and Hire Friday
#HFChat Transcript from Friday, December 23, 2011
How to Setup a #HireFriday Tweet if you are job seeking.
If you are in the KC area and are searching for a job, send a note to Mark Van Baale at to be listed on the Featured Job Seekers page. Everyone listed on this page has a #HireFriday tweet sent out on Fridays about what they are looking for.